Admin - Settings

In this area you can view and change your service-wide settings.

Service settings

  • Domain name: Shows the domain name of your service (not editable)
  • Site name: Your service name shown in your service pages and stores
  • Site logo: Your service logo. Shown in the control panel header, footer and registration/login pages
  • Site favicon: Your service favicon
  • Site email: Your customer support email. Shown in the footer area of your service pages.
  • Terms and conditions URL: The URL of your Terms and conditions page.
  • Privacy policy URL: The URL of your privacy policy page.
  • Support URL: The URL of your support page.
  • Google Analytics tracking ID: Your Google Analytics code. To track visitor statistics on all your service pages and stores.
  • Currency symbol: The currency symbol for displaying your subscription plane (e.g. USD for American Dollars)
  • Stripe secret key: Your Stripe secret key (see Stripe set-up for mode details)
  • Stripe webhook secret: Your Stripe Webhook secret (see Stripe set-up for mode details)
  • Stripe Starter monthly plan ID: Your stripe Starter subscription monthly plan ID (see Stripe set-up for mode details)
  • Stripe Starter yearly plan ID: Your stripe Starter subscription yearly plan ID (see Stripe set-up for mode details)
  • Stripe Professional monthly plan ID: Your stripe Professional subscription monthly plan ID (see Stripe set-up for mode details)
  • Stripe Professional yearly plan ID: Your stripe Professional subscription yearly plan ID (see Stripe set-up for mode details)
  • Starter monthly subscription price: Your Starter monthly subscription price
  • Starter yearly subscription price: Your Starter yearly subscription price
  • Professional monthly subscription price: Your Professional monthly subscription price
  • Professional yearly subscription price: Your Professional yearly subscription price
  • Main color: Your service main color (control panel header and footer color) Default value: #178AF0
  • Panel button color: Control panel and registration pages button color Default value: #FF621A
  • Cards heading bg color: Control panel headings background color (gradient) Default value: linear-gradient(60deg,#50B3F2,#68BDF4);
  • Shadow color: Control panel header shadow color Default value: 0 4px 20px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0 7px 12px -5px rgb(23 138 240 / 46%)
  • Buttons shadow color: Control panel buttons shadow color Default value: 0 2px 2px 0 rgb(255 98 26 / 23%)