
View all payments

Here all payments made on PayPal, Stripe and Mercado Pago modes get recorded. Use this information to match the payments with your payment provider in order to verify your initial payment provider configuration. For this purpose it is recommended to make a test purchase after the initial set up is completed.

Customer Payments

In this area you can view your current payments and delete them (green and red buttons respectively).

  • Order reference. The reference of the order associated with the payment
  • Payment method Shows the payment processor used
  • Payment status Shows the payment status
  • currency Shows the currency of the payment
  • Payment amount Shows the amount paid
  • View details Opens the payment details

View payment details

View payment detail

  • Payment method Shows the payment processor used
  • Payment status Shows the payment status
  • Payment currency Shows the currency of the payment
  • Payment amount Shows the amount paid
  • Order reference The order associated with the payment
You can open the related order by clicking on the Order reference button.

Order example with payment mode PayPal: Order info