Store Settings

Basic information

Store settings basic information

  • Store name: Enter your store name in this field
  • Store slug: Enter your store slug in this field. It will be used in your store URL. (e.g.
  • Checkout mode: Select the available chekcout options for your store.
    • WhatsApp: Select this option if you want to use WhatsApp for checkout. With this option, you can use WhatsApp to receive orders and communicate with your customers.
    • SMS: Select this option if you want to use SMS for checkout.
    • Email: Select this option if you want to use Email for checkout.
    • Stripe: Select this option if you want to use Stripe for checkout. Allow for credit card payments.
    • Paypal: Select this option if you want to use Paypal for checkout. Allow for credit card payments.
    • Mercado Pago: Select this option if you want to use Mercado Pago for checkout. Allows credit card payments.

Contact information

Store settings contact information

  • Store email: Enter your store email in this field. It will be shown in your store contact information.
  • Store phone: Enter your store phone in this field. It will be shown in your store contact information.
  • Store website: Enter your store website in this field. It will be shown in your store contact information.
  • Store address: Enter your store address in this field. It will be shown in your store contact information.
  • Store location: Enter your store location in this field. It will be shown in your store contact information.
  • Service area: Enter your store service area in this field. Used for delivery options.

Store appearance

Store settings appearance

  • Theme selection: Select the available themes for your store.
  • Store logo: Upload your store’s logo. (maximum size: 3MB, allowed formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF).
  • Store banner: Upload your store’s banner or cover image. (maximum size: 3MB, allowed formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF).
  • Primary color: Select your store’s primary color.
  • Secondary color: Select your store’s secondary color.
  • Primary background color: Select your store’s primary background color.
  • Secondary background color: Select your store’s secondary background color.
  • Primary text color: Select your store’s primary text color.
  • Secondary text color: Select your store’s secondary text color.

Social networks

Store settings social networks

  • Facebook profile: Enter your Facebook link in this field.
  • Twitter profile: Enter your Twitter link in this field.
  • Instagram profile: Enter your Instagram link in this field.
  • Youtube profile: Enter your Youtube link in this field.
  • Linkedin profile: Enter your Linkedin link in this field.

Advanced options

Store settings advanced options

  • Custom domain: Enter your custom domain in this field. (e.g.
Custom domain functionality is available with CNAME records. You can add a CNAME record to your domain’s DNS settings to point to
For SSL support with your custom domain, refer to this page
  • Remove Branding: Remove Kiripp branding from your store (such as the footer).
  • Enable Facebook Feed: Enable Facebook/Instagram compatible feed for your store. When this option is enabled, your store will create a Facebook/Instagram compatible feed for your products at with the URL You can use this feed to create a Facebook/Instagram shop. Refer to this page for more information.

Language and localization options

Store settings language and localization options

  • Locale: Select your store’s locale. (it’s used for language, as well as currency and date and time formatting)
  • Timezone: Select your store’s timezone.
  • Currency: Select your store’s currency.
  • Schedule: Select your store’s schedule. (e.g. Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
  • Receive orders when the store is closed: Select this option if you want to receive orders when the store is closed.

Payment Information

Store settings payment information

  • Delivery charge: Enter your delivery charge in this field. It will be added to the order total.
  • delivery charge free above: Enter them minimum order amount for free delivery in this field.
  • Minimum order amount: Enter the minimum order amount in this field.
  • Tax rate: Enter the tax rate in this field. It will be added to the order total. Enter 0 if you don’t want to add tax to the order total. (only numbers are allowed, e.g. 18. Do not add the symbol %)
  • Payment message: Enter your payment message in this field. It will be shown in the checkout page.
  • Paypal client id: Enter your Paypal client id in this field. It will be used for Paypal payments.
  • Paypal secret: Enter your Paypal secret in this field. It will be used for Paypal payments.
  • Enable sandbox mode: Select this option if you want to enable sandbox mode for Paypal payments. (Sandbox mode is used for testing purposes)
this page for Paypal payment provider setup.
  • Mercadopago access token: Enter your Mercadopago access token in this field. It will be used for Mercadopago payments.
  • Mercadopago public key: Enter your Mercadopago public key in this field. It will be used for Mercadopago payments.
this page for Mercado Pago payment provider setup.
  • Stripe webhook secret: Enter your Stripe webhook secret in this field. It will be used for Stripe payments.
  • Stripe secret key: Enter your Stripe secret key in this field. It will be used for Stripe payments.
this page for Stripe payment provider setup.