
Empower your business with Kiripp

Store features

Our goal is to redefine how independent businesses handle online orders. With Kiripp small businesses can manage sales directly free from costly apps or marketplaces. We offer the flexibility to take orders through WhatsApp SMS or other channels and integrate with various payment providers.

Selling options

WhatsApp SMS and Email Modes

Receive orders directly to your WhatsApp number SMS or Email address.

Payment processors integration

Receive payments from your customers directly from your store's checkout page with Stripe PayPal or Mercado Pago.

Sell digital goods

Turn off delivery and pickup options for selling digital goods.

Store coupons

Boost your sales with customizable coupons for your store.

Item discounts

Offer product discounts (in percentage).

Item availability

Option to any store item as unavailable

Item variations

Offer item variations and sub-selections

Item Categories

Group your items in categories

Items highlight area

Recommended items are featured in the top section of your store

Store options

Selectable store themes

Choose between 5 beautiful customizable themes to best match your preferences.

Customizable store colors

Match your online store with your brand colors with our easy to use but powerful color customization options

Custom schedule

Set up your store's opening schedule with the option to choose to disable orders outside of opening times.

Delivery and Pickup options

Choose between delivery and pickup options.

Minimum order field

Set up your minimum order value

Social network icons

Link your Facebook and Instragram accounts with your store (shown in your store's header)

Control panel

Manage your products orders payments and coupons with an easy to use but powerful control panel.

Custom delivery fee

Set your custom fee for delivery orders

Localization options

Custom Tax charge

Set your store's tax fee to be applied to orders (in percentage %)

Multiple currency support

45+ currencies supported.

Multiple language support

12+ languages supported for your store's front end and control panel.

Maps integration

Maps integration for showing your store's location and for your orders delivery location.

Delivery radius

Show your store or restaurant's delivery radius in a map (shown in the store information area)

Marketing options

Google Analytics integration

Integrate Google Analytics with your store.

Facebook Pixel integration

Integrate Facebook Pixel with your store.

QR Code creator

Download and share your store's QR Code from your control panel

Advanced options

Custom store URL

Customize your store's URL with your chosen name example = mystore.kiripp.com

Custom domain

Set up your custom domain with your Kiripp store example = www.mystore.com